Laurie Scherbel LMT/Master Bodyworker

Massage therapist treating a client.



Let's start off with a quote:

"The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body." - Harry J. Johnson

So how do we manage and adjust to those stresses - including the ones we put ourselves through at work or play?

Studies have found that massage really does work to ease those sore muscles after strenuous or repetitive activity. Just 10 minutes can reduce inflammation, which can help your body recover. However, the health benefits of touch extend beyond simply soothing aches and pains after an Insanity® workout, a full day of house cleaning, or 8 hours of straining over a keyboard. A growing body of research suggests that a rubdown is even better for you than you think!

Massage is a wonderful and natural way to help manage anxiety and depression, ease pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, boost immunity, help control PMS symptoms, raise alertness, curb stress headaches, reduce frequency and severity of migraines, improve lymphatic function, speed up injury or surgical recovery time, and even relieve fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression and nausea in cancer patients. Many modalities will not only help you recover but also PREVENT all of these things - and it FEELS GREAT! Something as simple as touch has been proven time and time again to affect all areas of our lives.

Jane Harrington said it best when she stated that, "When you touch a body, you touch the whole person, the intellect, the spirit, and the emotions."  Massage can help with physical, emotional, and mental stressors, and increase our ability to cope.

It has made a big difference in the improvement of all facets of my life and I want to share it with everyone - one body at a time. So call me for an appointment today!

And just relax! I've got your back!